Pissarra, V., Santana, A., Panisi, M., Santos, C. P., Maia, H., Vasconcelos, L., Nuno, A., Porriños, G., da Silva, C. V., Rosa, R., & Santos, C. F. (2024). Fisher’s perceptions on shark fisheries in Sao Tome Island (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 77, 103711.
Porriños, G., Benitez, L. - Early impacts of COVID-19 in the coastal communities of Príncipe island. The impact of COVID 19 on coastal communities - Zoological Society of London (May 25, 2021) (ppt, presentation)
Porriños, G., Benitez, L. - Early impacts of COVID-19 in the coastal communities of Príncipe island. The impact of COVID 19 on coastal communities - Zoological Society of London (May 25, 2021) (ppt, presentation)
Porriños, G. - Status of conservation of sharks and rays in São Tomé and Príncipe. IUCN Red List Assessment - Sharks and Rays Specialist Group - West Africa (July - August 2020) (available here)
Porriños, G., Matos, L. & Nuno A. - Participatory approaches for co-management and marine conservation in Príncipe Island, São Tomé and Príncipe. The Marine Biological Association 15th Posgraduate Conference (Plymouth, UK, 20th May 2018) (asbtract)
G. Porriños, M. Riddell, R. Cachimo, J. Mussa, K. Osuka, M. Samoilys, C. Gough, S. Rosendo & M. Wilson – Sazonalidade da maturidade do polvo Octopus cyanea e dos modos de vida dos pescadores de polvo em Cabo Delgado (Norte de Moçambique): implicações para a sua gestão. Primeiro Congresso de Biologia Marinha dos Países Lusófonos (Faro, Portugal, 24th January 2018) (abstract, presentation)
G. Porriños, M. Riddell, R. Cachimo, J. Mussa, K. Osuka, M. Samoilys, C. Gough, S. Rosendo & M. Wilson – Seasonality of Octopus cyanea maturity and livelihoods of octopus fishers in Northern Mozambique: implications for management. WIOMSA 10th Scientific Symposium (Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 30th November 2017) (poster)
J. Marugán-Lobón and G. Prieto, Geometric morphometrics and theoretical morphology, 75th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Symposium: Geometric Morphometrics: the shape of thing to come. (Invited talk, 17-20 October 2015) (abstract)
Porriños, G., Lopes Cravid, M., e Vilela López, B. 2023. Recenseamento do setor da pesca artesanal e semi-industrial de São Tomé e Príncipe. Roma, FAO.(here)
De Labra, Vilela-López, B., Prieto Porriños, G., Blanc, P. P., Vasta, A., Olávio, A. (2023) The coastal pelagics value chain in São Tomé and Príncipe. Analysis and design report. Rome, FAO (Full report, Summary report, Relatório síntese)
Porriños, G. (2021) Characterisation of artisanal fisheries in São Tomé and Príncipe through participatory, smartphone-based landing surveys, Fauna & Flora International (here)
Porriños, G. (2020) Dried fish exportations in Príncipe Island. Value Chain Assessment, Fauna & Flora International (available here En, Pt)
Porriños, G. (2020) Implementation of participatory, smartphone-based, landing surveys in São Tomé and Príncipe, Fauna & Flora International (available here En, Pt)
Annex I: Handbooks for using the ODK questionnaires for collecting landing data (available at: PC-DP, PC-NB, ST-DP, ST-RT)
Annex II: Handbook for setting up ODK and sending the data to the server (available here)
Annex I: Handbooks for using the ODK questionnaires for collecting landing data (available at: PC-DP, PC-NB, ST-DP, ST-RT)
Annex II: Handbook for setting up ODK and sending the data to the server (available here)
Porriños, G. (2020) Implementation of Baited Marine Underwater Video surveys as a non-invasive monitoring tool for fish biodiversity in São Tomé and Príncipe, Fauna & Flora International (available here En, Pt)
Porriños, G. (2019) Marine biodiversity assessment through baited underwater camera monitoring and maturity assessment of selected demersal fish species, Report produced by The University of Exeter for Africa’s Eden (available here)